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Hi Everyone! It would seem all all these "free" websites are here today..and gone tommorrow. Hope this one stays up for a little while.....
Picture Gallery
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Favrite Quotes and Saying.
The stroke of the brush.does not guarantee art from its bristle.

People who have no weaknesses are terrible; there is no way of taking advantage of them. --Anatole France 1844

"Smart is when you believe only half of what you hear. Brilliant is when you know which half to believe." Anonymous

Recent thoughts *NEW*

Self Importance
- one grain of sand is not the desert- a drop of water is not the ocean

Keep an open mind , do not limit your self

- head in a box, the box is not the universe

We are define and created based on our choices. Choice determines where you are, who you are, and who is in your world. -8/31/04

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