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Here are some spiritual articles. Hope you find them informative and helpful.
THE CHAKRAS The chakras operate like valves that channel the electrical current of the Universal Life Force into the body. The traditional Hindu system names seven major chakras.
Owning Your Power. Owning your power, your power to be real, to be who you really are, is really about owning your freedom. In many ways, you have been giving away your power/freedom by your ways of speaking and thinking, and being.
The Myth of the Aryan Invasion of India The ancient history of India is the theory of the Aryan invasion. According to this account, India was invaded and conquered by nomadic light-skinned Indo-European tribes from Central Asia around 1500-100 BC, who overthrew an earlier and more advanced dark-skinned Dravidian civilization from which they took most of what later became Hindu culture.
The Law of Resonance The Hidden Key Of All The Keys Of The Manifestation Of The Universe.
Tantra Yoga A secret throughout the centuries, Tantra remains diffuse, mysterious and puzzling yet constantly present in the diversity of yoga techniques, especially in its Tibetan forms. With purposeful investigation, it presents a genuine science of man where cosmic forces mingle with physiology, psychology, magic and spiritualism.

Image of Tree of life.


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